
Showing posts from August, 2017

My Love, Hate Relationship with International Travel

International travel. What can I say? I guess I'm not exactly an authority on it yet because this is only my second time, but I want to talk for a second about the hard part about traveling. The traveling part. It is brutal! At least for me . It's kind of like an endless loop through hell. Going through security is grueling for me because I get anxious and constantly check through my bags, even though I know I have nothing to be worried about. Then you sit at your gate for hours, walk around in circles because you don't want to be sitting any more than you already know you have to. I have to fight with myself not to stop at every Starbucks in sight. Finally, you hop on a plane for a few hours that doesn't have enough leg room or butt room and everything from the waist down is in pain or asleep. You attempt to sleep yourself but every time you nod off, your head bounces and wakes you back up. You finally land at your destination, only to go through most of those steps